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Join Our Growing Community

Our vision is to realize a world where the benefits of
the human-animal bond are universally
embraced and practiced.

It takes a village to make an impact this big, and
your voice matters.

A Professional or Volunteer in any human-animal bond (animal assisted therapy/activities, service animal) field?

Seeking any kind of animal-assisted therapy or serviceanimal support for yourself or a loved one?

A Veterinarian?

A Healthcare Professional?

A Teacher or Humane Educator?

A Pet Guardian?


Have personal experience with animal assisted activities, service animals or pets?

Love people and want the best for their wellbeing?

Love animals and want them to be respected and cared for?

Work in animal rescue?

Work in the pet industry?

None of the above but you simply want to be a part of this conversation?

Great! Here are 3 ways
you can participate:


Be sure to sign up for the newsletter so you can find out about upcoming releases, news, blogs and more!


Once you've had a chance to explore this website, click here join the Animal Magic Facebook group called My Magical Animal.


Would you like to share your story about how an animal or pet has supported you therapeutically? This page is being revamped to share not only human-animal bond films, but to also include YOUR STORIES, photos videos and more. Click here to learn more.

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Share Your Expertise

Let’s have constructive discussions that help create a world where the therapeutic benefits of interactions between animals and humans are universally embraced and practiced.

Tell Your Story

Do you love the

human-animal bond 

conversation and have something positive to share?

Why Is This Important?

Why Now?

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Thousands of people are experiencing physical, emotional or cognitive challenges that are not helped by traditional medical therapies. Yet many of these challenges can be supported by a service animal or a therapy animal interaction.

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Many people are either unaware that support is available to them, services aren’t available in their community, or it’s simply cost-prohibitive.

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Most people know some of the stories and applications, but we believe that the more people that know about the variety of human-animal interactions, the more people that can be served by various therapies.

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